
I'm a graduate student at the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory at the University of Arizona where I study astrobiology and planetary analogs. I work with Dr. Solange Duhamel and Dr. Christopher Hamilton. We study young lava flows in Iceland as an analog for life on Mars. Additionally, we study the atmospheric microbiome to understand microbial survival mechanisms, global dispersal patterns, and the potential risk for contamination of Mars Take a look at my research page for more information. I graduated from Florida Institute of Technology in May, 2020 with a B.S. in Astrobiology where I studied low cost food production systems for astronauts on Mars and also worked on atmospheric modeling of Neptune. During my undergrad, I participated in research at the Lunar and Planetary Institute, NOAA’s Earth Systems Research Laboratory, and the University of Tennessee. In my free time, I get outside as much as possible. Take a look at my YouTube channel if you are interested.

Feel free to reach out with questions or comments or for research collaboration ideas.

👩🏻‍💻 About Me

Research and Field Campaigns


Nathan Hadland C.V.


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